València is showing how Innovation is a collective journey rather than an individual destination, in 3 different ways:
- Adding the talent of the entire ecosystem, with actors from the 4 helixes.
- By letting innovation ecosystem to take part on the whole governance process, by co-designing, co-deciding and validating the local Missions; by boosting mission-oriented R&I projects in a bottom-up manner and crossing multiple disciplines; and by evaluating the impacts.
- With a huge political consensus that makes Missions València a decade-long project (approved by 94% of political leaders), to boost 5 strategies, 12 commitments and 80 innovation actions.
València is ready to be a test-bed city for a mission-oriented R&I that improves people’s life. We offered to our society 4 city models:
- Healthy City: focused on the individual well-being.
- Sustainable City: focused on the environment.
- Shared City: focused on solidarity between people.
- Entrepreneurial City: focused on improving our productive ecosystem and city resilience.
València has a strong and cutting-edge strategy for communicating the social value of innovation. Put innovation into people’s minds is a priority in the city agenda, since our lives depend on it. We do social communication for example naming the innovation projects after the name of a real person that receives the benefits of the innovation.
The #iCapitalAwards hashtag had 2.000 RT and 5.000 LIKES in last 2 weeks coming from València area.
València also has a strong government and social support. More than 500 supports from the entire innovation ecosystem in only 2 weeks, including videos on social media coming from:
- Our Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation
- The president of the Generalitat Valenciana
- The Mayor of València.